Sunday, January 24, 2010


ahhhhhh Sunday.  I think it's my favorite day of the week.  We've just returned from church, eaten lunch and now we're relaxing.  Well, I'm writing and boys (all three of them) are playing Wii.  We love our Wii, it's so much fun!  Though I have to admit my Mii is really, really bad at tennis - but, she's good at Mario Cart - driving in Italy prepared me for the crazy driving in that game.

We are thinking hard about what trips we want to take this year and trying to plan those.  We'll be tagging along on one of Paul's work trips in February and heading to Sicily again.  We've made a list and prioritized what we want to do before we leave here (hopefully next Dec.)  I'm trying to convince Paul to go on a cruise in April for my birthday, round trip from Venice visiting Greek islands.  Convincing a Navy man to voluntarily go on a boat for a week is tough.  I've tried explaining it will be different, but he's not buying it.  We're thinkin of another trip in June - possibly back to Tunisia, Africa or another cruise (assuming I convince him to go on the first one and he likes it).  Then in August we're thinking we'll take the boys to LegoLand in Germany - hot here, mild there - good plan.  And in October a trip to the Umbria region to see Assisi, Deruta, Orvieto, etc.  And that should do us.  In some ways I can't believe we only have another year here and I think we need to stay and travel and in some ways I'm so ready to go.  Naples can be oh so challenging.  So, if anyone is thinking they want to come visit us you had better start planning now - time is running out!

Great week of school for Lewis, he's a good student when he wants to be but mostly he wants to play.  William is good and Praise God I think he's growing out of this terrible phase he's been in for the last year.

Here's a soup recipe I must share - make it, you will be glad you did.  I've recently discovered Pioneer Woman - she writes a blog about life on a ranch in Oklahoma and recently published a cook book.  Great recipes!  On her web page she has new recipes to try through the week, everything I've made has been fantastic - check her out!

Sorry I don't have more to write, slow week.  Buona Domenica!  Happy Sunday!

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