Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Two down.....

Two of our four family members are currently suffering from a horrible stomach virus - blech.

Sweet William started throwing up late Monday night and hasn't stopped - there are few things in life that will make your heart ache like seeing a sick child.  I know, I know, he's not seriously sick and for that I thank God, but it's still so hard to see him suffering.  He has been snuggled up in a chair with a blanket for the better part of two days and he ran a fever yesterday but that seems to have broken.  He has gone the last two hours with no vomitting and has kept a cup of applesauce and a small bowl of jello down - ahhh progress.

And then there's Paul - his sickness started early this morning and he's still in the eye of the storm.  If you know anything about my husband you know that he has to be seriously sick to miss work and he's currently huddled under the covers of our bed trying to rest between trips to the bathroom.

After dispensing the proper amount of loving and caring to each of my patients I began the necessary task of bleaching every single surface in the house to protect the remaining healthy two.  I truly believe that Lewis and I should get a "free pass" on this virus since it is our birthdays this week.  Is it wrong to start my morning prayer with "God, please don't let me be sick on my birthday?"  - I quickly added "please protect Lewis and please give healing and comfort to William and Paul.".

Any additional prayers along this line would be greatly appreciated.

And speaking of my birthday, it's a big one this year - 40!   I'm still having a bit of trouble saying that number without grumbling, not that 40 is old, it just feels a bit surreal that it's MY age.

And since it's a milestone birthday I thought I should do something life-altering to celebrate.  I'm making a list of "40 at 40" - 40 things I plan to do this next year- some will be 1st time things, some I plan to use to bring about change, some just for fun.  I've started working on the list and hope to have it finished and shareworthy soon (a week of birthday fun and virus not-so-fun can zap time).

I found the inspiration for my list at this blog   Jennifer is currently working on 101 in 1001 and I'm enjoying reading about her progress.  Also, check out her beautiful handmade crosses   I recently put in an order and I can't wait to receive my beauties!  I love to see people using their talents to glorify God.

In case you're wondering, homeschooling has been temporarily put on hold due to life, but we're always learning!

All for now, back to my nursing job.  May you all have a blessed and healthy day!