Good news! William's tooth is only bruised, not dead. I took him to the dentist today and he not only examined but x-rayed the tooth and it looks good. I'm so glad he'll be able to keep it, two years of snaggle tooth ain't pretty.
And here's a little bit of information I would like to share - your package of aluminum foil has tabs on the end that, when pushed in, stop the roll from falling out! I did not know this until today and I am still flabbergasted by this bit of information. I just assumed that the unfortunate "roll falling out" event was a necessary evil to using this product. I excitedly waited for Paul to come home so I could share this little treasure, and do you want to know what he said? "Yeah, I know. Saran Wrap has the same thing." WHAT??? How have I known this man for 10 years, been married to him for 7, birthed two of his children and he didn't bother to share this with me? I can't help but wonder what other deep dark secrets he's hiding from me.